Carbonate Removal Improves Performance
The Challenge
A German zinc-nickel plater was looking for ways to minimize electrolyte waste and become more sustainable while using future-oriented processes and equipment. Topics such as sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions with consistently high-quality standards have an increasing presence on the industry’s agenda. Waste disposal costs are exploding, and many companies have to rethink their waste and wastewater management.
The situation: Carbonates and sulfates were constantly accumulating in the ZnNi bath, thus leading to quality restrictions. Bleed & Feed was used to remove the enriched impurities, and the zinc-nickel deposition remained at a constant quality level. However, Bleed & Feed is a labor- and cost-intensive process that generates a lot of electrolyte waste which the plater wanted to avoid in the future. Therefore, the company decided to install a CarboPure unit.
The MacDermid ENVIO Solution
The electrolyte is conditioned using a CarboPure carbonate and sulfate removal unit.
By removing these substances from the plating electrolyte, the salting of the electrolyte is controlled and thus any negative impact on performance is prevented; the electrolyte is enabled to constantly perform at optimum level.
The Result
This MacDermid Envio solution has generated significant benefits such as reduced cost, labor and raw material savings and consequently an improved environmental and energy footprint.
Increase in solution conductivity:
- Efficient Carbonate removal
- kWh saving approx. 15-20%
- Reduction of zinc content, drag-out reduction and reduced plating time and current density
- Increased product throughput
- Significant reduction in externally treated zinc-nickel waste